Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Believe the Hype (Writer) – Social Media Is Not a Trend.

If you think the way you will do business in 2011 will be the same as years past, you’re wrong. Is it about the amount of followers you have? No. It’s about providing instant access to information, emerging from the clutter headlines, relationships and industry expertise.

With these four strategies in place, you can truly maximize your social media experience and have the power to grow your business in 2011.

1. Instant Access to Information – As you know instant gratification is a reoccurring theme in all of our lives. When you deliver great content about your product or service, you are feeding the instant gratification to your potential client. When people want to buy something, they research online. If your content shows up on their search, you have done your job.

2. The “Emerge From the Clutter” Headline – Yes you need an attention-grabbing headline so your audience will read your great content, but you also need a call to action statement in your content. Congratulations, you snatched their attention with your headline, but what do you want them to do next? Tell them.

3. Relationships – Business has changed, but it is still about relationships. To grow your business, you still need to build relationships in person and online. Rather than hunting down clients through social media sites, provide a safe environment within these sites where your potential clients will benefit from this relationship, for free. Like in-person networking, once they trust you, they will spread the word for you.

4. Industry Expertise – Everyone is selling something. Positioning yourself as an expert through the correct use of social media can give you the forum to truly present the value of your product, service, idea or cause. As we all know, you would rather buy than be sold.

You may feel intimidated by your competition’s social media presence, but when you look closely, do they truly practice all of these strategies? If not, there is blatant room for you to become the expert in your industry and emerge from the clutter of your competition.

The Hype Writer specializes in social media strategies, management and content writing for businesses. The Hype Writer works with small and medium sized businesses to help strategize and produce content for email marketing and social media marketing. You know that social media is important, but do you have time to spend maximizing your social media exposure? If not, The Hype Writer can take the burden away from you by managing, strategizing and writing the content for your social media sites and email marketing month to month. They also keep up with the trends related to social media and your industry. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website www.thehypewriter.com or email us at hype@thehypewriter.com.

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